Ep 4. O'Hara's - Leann Follain

It's Episode Four of the Fine Ale Countdown! Five dopes with a history of not wearing pants review O'Hara's Leann Folláin. Discover what they think, why Manus should never be allowed run the quiz, and how little they've learnt about reviewing beer or recording a podcast since last week.

This Fine Ale Countdown is brought to you by Manus Cronin, Jack Toner, Gavin Carberry, and James Belfast. The host of the show is Ben Clifford. You can reach the show via Twitter or Instagram @FAleCountdown. If you enjoyed the show please subscribe, rate and get in touch!

Huge thanks to Neil Fitzpatrick for the music and Sentinel Audio for its podcast wizardry as well as giving the podcast a home.

Ep. 3 Blacks of Kinsale - World's End

It's Episode Three of the Fine Ale Countdown! Four dopes with a history of not wearing pants review @BlacksBrewery's World's End. Discover what they think, just how dark the boys can get after drinking a higher percentage brew, and how little they've learnt about reviewing beer or recording a podcast since last week.

This Fine Ale Countdown is brought to you by Manus Cronin, Jack Toner (@TonerAtHome), and Gavin Carberry. The host of the show is Ben Clifford (@Benjour). You can reach the show via Twitter or Instagram @FAleCountdown. If you enjoyed the show please subscribe, rate and get in touch!

Huge thanks to Neil Fitzpatrick (@NeilFitz101) for the music and @SentinelAudio for its podcast wizardry as well as giving the podcast a home.

Ep. 2 Brú - Rí

It's Episode Two of the Fine Ale Countdown! Four dopes with a history of not wearing pants review @BruBrewery's Rí. Discover what they think, why Kayne West avoids a certain area all together, and how little they've learnt about reviewing beer or recording a podcast since last week.

This Fine Ale Countdown is brought to you by Manus Cronin, Jack Toner (@TonerAtHome), and Gavin Carberry. The host of the show is Ben Clifford (@Benjour). You can reach the show via Twitter or Instagram @FAleCountdown. If you enjoyed the show please subscribe, rate and get in touch!

Huge thanks to Neil Fitzpatrick(@NeilFitz101) for the music and @SentinelAudio for its podcast wizardry as well as giving the podcast a home.

Ep. 1 Sharp's Brewery - Wolf Rock

In this pioneering Fine Ale Countdown, five dopes with a history of not wearing pants review @SharpsBrewery's Wolf Rock. Discover what they think, why rainwater doesn't make a good mixer, and how little they know about beer or how to record a podcast.

All they ask is you stick around until Episode 2, where at least the sound quality is far superior.

The Fine Ale Countdown is a weekly 'cast brought to you by Manus Cronin, Jack Toner (@TonerAtHome), James Belfast and Gavin Carberry. The host of the show is Ben Clifford (@Benjour). You can reach the show via Twitter or Instagram @FAleCountdown. If you enjoyed the show please subscribe, rate and get in touch!

Huge thanks to Neil Fitzpatrick (@NeilFitz101) for the music and @SentinelAudio for its podcast wizardry in giving the podcast a home.