Ep. 408: Hit The Ground Running

Ever wondered what happens behind the scenes at election time? Me neither. It's The Fine Ale Countdown!

Neil Fitzpatrick puts hash in his hash browns. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.

Ep. 407: Only Creepy Fans

Just three creeps, creepily telling you how to avoid the other creeps. It's The Fine Ale Countdown!

Neil Fitzpatrick is the Creepy Mayor of Creep Town. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.

Ep 406: Trash Talk

Sweet boys, drinking beers, talking garbage. It's the Fine Ale Countdown!

Neil Fitzpatrick has been trying to secure an interview with Idi Amin. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home

Ep. 405: The Kick Ass Test

Ziplines and barges and ramps... Oh my! It's The Fine Ale Countdown!

As a landlord, Neil Fitzpatrick is naturally suspicious of any scheme with the words 'deposit return' in it. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.

Ep. 404: Marble Zone

Anatomy, Geography, and Conspiracies. It's The Fine Ale Countdown!

Neil Fitzpatrick has been on InfoWars 3 times. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.

Ep. 403: Boat Control

In which we rank our favourite Seagal movies. It's the Fine Ale Countdown!

Neil Fitzpatrick is well versed in siege craft. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.

Ep. 402: Baileys Lite

All Baileys and no play makes Jack crave a different drink. It's The Fine Ale Countdown!

Neil Fitzpatrick wants to invest in the whole coin. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.

Ep. 401: See How They Run

We're Back! It's The Fine Ale Countdown!

Neil Fitzpatrick will be welcomed back upon payment of restitution. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.

Ep. 400: Happy Holidays. Enoch!

It's not out best episode, but it'd be a shame to stop now if you've got through the other 399 of them. It's The Fine Ale Countdown!

Neil Fitzpatrick used to do the music for our show. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home for 400 episodes.

Ep. 399: Dog Style

The dogs are having babies this Christmas. Don't tell Dog King Herod. It's The Fine Ale Countdown!

Neil Fitzpatrick brings a unique intensity to everything he does. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.